Siirry sisältöön

LGC Clinical Diagnostics controls and reference materials for genomic testing

Quality assurance for NGS, dPCR and ctDNA applications

LGC Clinical Diagnostics (fka SeraCare) is biotechnology company that offers a board selection of high quality controls and reference materials. LCG Clinical Diagnsotics is the market leader in reference materials for clinical genetics and oncology. Products can be used in assay development, validation and quality control.

Examples of intended use

  • Daily run control QC, lot-to-lot testing and in-kit-controls
  • Assay development and validation
  • Sensitivity evaluatios for assays using reference materials with different allele frequencies
  • Troubleshooting and assay optimization

SeraSeq product family

Our product portfolio includes controls and reference materials for many genomic applications eg. somatic cancer, heme malignacy, fusion-RNA, NTRK, liquid biosis (ctDNA), NIPT testing and inherited diseases. Contorls and reference materials are offered with different allele frequences, concentrations and matrixes. LGC Clinical Diagnostics also offers VariantFlex which allows you to easily build a custom reference standard for your specific assay.


  • Highly characterized cell lines and engineered biosynthetic DNA targets
  • Reference materials in plasma and FFPE matrix to serve as full-process reference materials, monitoring the entire workflow
  • Mutation free wild type negative controls
  • Highly-multiplexed reference standards for the demands of a wide range of targeted sequencing panels, including RNA and DNA
  • A broad portfolio of patient-derived Reproductive Health reference materials for NIPT and PGT-A assay development, validation, and routine run QC – covering both female and male fetal genders

Product is available in the following countries:

  • Finland
  • Estonia
  • Latvia
  • Lithuania


controls NGS NIPT
