Actim Pancreatitis rapid test
Unique way to diagnose acute pancreatitis on the spot
Actim Pancreatitis is a unique point-of-care test that has been developed to help healthcare professionals screen acute pancreatitis from a urine sample. Based on trypsinogen-2, which is the most accurate biomarker available now, Actim Pancreatitis is the only rapid test that can identify acute pancreatitis at any phase of the inflammation. As a result, severe pancreatitis is diagnosed at an early stage. Patients can be treated efficiently, and unnecessary treatments, CT scans, and costs are avoided.
Pros and facts
- Allows healthcare professionals to rule out acute pancreatitis from one urine sample
- The test can be performed at any stage of the disease
- It is more sensitive and specific than amylase and lipase tests
- Actim Pancreatitis is an easy-to-use test performed by healthcare professionals that gives test results in just 5 minutes
- The test kit contains all the materials healthcare professionals need to perform the test, no ex-tra laboratory resources or sample processing are required
- Actim Pancreatitis can be stored at room temperature
Product is available in the following countries:
- Finland